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当前位置:首页iPhone软件iPhone商务办公 → mindmaster手机版 v8.2.3

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最新最热下载排行mindmaster手机版v8.2.3腾讯文档iOSv2.22.0客满满手机版v3.39.1星通宝appv5.1.5eteamsv4.3.38员工之家appv3.0.53上汽同行v8.0.17智督云iOSv1.3.01password免费版v7.10.2Keynote appV3.2Numbers iPhone版V3.3Pages iPhone版V3.2office办公iPhone版v9.21玩转电子表格iPhone版V1.0Office iPhone版v2.75iOffice移动办公系统iPhone版V2.4.5

换一换相关推荐智联招聘appv8.10.13易企秀appv5.27.0钉钉v7.0.55阿里巴巴v11.5.1千牛手机版v9.8.145外勤365 appv7.1.70秦丝生意通手机版v4.28.2淘宝联盟appv8.21.0顺丰快递appv9.54.0WPS Office手机版v12.1.1Office iPhone版v2.75阿里妈妈appv4.0.0哈佛商业评论iOSv1.10.7京麦工作台手机版v5.38.01password免费版v7.10.2有道云笔记appv7.4.3百草进销存appv4.11.27加油广东v5.4.7iWorker工作家appv8.3.5企业QQ手机客户端v3.9.0阿里众包appv2.5.0PowerPoint iPhone版v2.28大唐天下appv1.5.4阿里云appv4.6.1Word iPhone版v2.6Excel iPhone版V2.6Numbers iPhone版V3.3






等级:类型:iPhone商务办公更新:2023/09/11 18:53大小:82.4M版本:v8.2.3语言:简体官网:http://www.pc6.com作者:MeisterLabsApple Watch:

开发者应用 MeisterTask团队任务管理iOSv5.16.0


为您推荐:iPhone商务办公 协同办公 移动办公app,手机办公app,手机办公软件哪个好






















  在MindManager,译文,xmind出口地图,MS Word和PowerPoint格式







v8.2.3In this release, in addition to addressing some bugs in MindMeister, users will now be able to log in or sign up exclusively using their username and password, or through their Apple or Google accounts.
v8.2.0It's spring, which means that we are entering bug squashing season. We fixed a number of bugs to make the experience better for you.
v8.1.2It's spring, which means that we are entering bug squashing season. We fixed a number of bugs to make the experience better for you.
v8.1.1It's spring, which means that we are entering bug squashing season. We fixed a number of bugs to make the experience better for you.
v8.1.0It's spring, which means that we are entering bug squashing season. We fixed a number of bugs to make the experience better for you.
v8.0.3It's spring, which means that we are entering bug squashing season. We fixed a number of bugs to make the experience better for you.
v8.0.1In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v8.0.0In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.11.11In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.11.10In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.11.9In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience
v7.11.8In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.11.6In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.11.5In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.11.4In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.

Please note that while the app offers full iOS 14 support, iOS 13 is no longer supported.
v7.11.3In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.

Please note that while the app offers full iOS 14 support, iOS 13 is no longer supported.
v7.11.2In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor and added usability improvements. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.

Please note that while the app offers full iOS 14 support, iOS 13 is no longer supported.
v7.11.1In this release, we squashed several bugs, most notably an issue that caused the app to crash when opening maps.
Please note that while the app offers full iOS 14 support, iOS 13 is no longer supported.
v7.11.0In this release, we squashed a number of bugs for the new MindMeister app. Please note that while the app offers full iOS 14 support, iOS 13 is no longer supported with this release.
v7.10.15In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.10.14In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.10.13In this release, we squashed some bugs for MindMeister’s new view-only editor. While we are working hard on bringing the new editor to mobile, make sure to check out MindMeister on web for a full experience.
v7.10.12In case you didn’t know: We recently released an all-new map editor for MindMeister on web. We’re working on bringing a new mobile mapping experience to your mobile fingertips. Project Panda is only available on the web and currently available in view only on iOS. In this release, we’ve updated the app for an improved viewing experience in Project Panda’s view-only mode.
v7.10.11In case you missed it: We recently released an all-new map editor for MindMeister on web. We’re working on a new mobile mapping experience that will bring the new editor to your mobile fingertips. Project Panda is only available on the web and currently available in view only on iOS. In this release, we’ve updated the user interface for the existing map editor and added updates to improve the view-only mode for Project Panda.
v7.10.10In this release, we’ve updated the app to support changes to iOS 15 to ensure better usability and reliability of the MindMeister app. We’re also working on an improved map editing experience set to be released later in the year.
v7.10.9In this release, we’ve made adjustments to improve the useability of the app. We’re also preparing to launch an entirely new map editing experience in MindMeister. Project Panda, currently in beta, will revolutionize the way you mind map on mobile. Project Panda is currently only available in view only on iOS.
v7.10.8In this release, we’ve updated the app to support changes to iOS 15 to ensure better usability and reliability of the MindMeister app. We’re also working on an improved map editing experience set to be released later in the year.
v7.10.7In this release, we’ve updated the app to support changes to iOS 15 to ensure better usability and reliability of the MindMeister app. We’re also working on an improved map editing experience set to be released later in the year.
v7.10.6In this release, we’ve sunsetted support for iOS versions 12 and earlier. Please update to iOS 13 or newer to continue receiving the latest app updates. We’ve also squashed a few bugs and fixed minor issues to improve the usability of the app. We are also working on a new and improved map editor slated for release later in the year.

  为了提高iOS MindMeister的经验,我们已经做了一些调整应用程序的功能。你现在可以浮起所有的话题










亿图思维导图软件MindMaster Mac版类型:办公软件








远程核实政务助手v2.5.530M / 简体 / 10.0下载

协同签名iOSv2.3.655.6M / 简体 / 5.0下载

E-Mobile5苹果版v5.6.4368.4M / 简体 / 5.0下载

精臣云打印iOS版v5.9.519.9M / 简体 / 10.0下载

海螺协同v1.3.30369.4M / 简体 / 10.0下载

随办iOSv7.0.1222.6M / 简体 / 5.0下载

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同类热门智联招聘appv8.10.13易企秀appv5.27.0钉钉v7.0.55阿里巴巴v11.5.1千牛手机版v9.8.145携程企业商旅官方版v9.28.0外勤365 appv7.1.70



mindmaster手机版 v7.9.2