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当前位置:首页iPhone软件iPhone摄影录像 → 蒸汽波视频 v5.13

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最新最热下载排行蒸汽波视频v5.13剪影剪辑v5.4FIMOv3.10.3魔法照片v9.9.20ProShot iOSv8.13.7剪映iOSv10.8.1VN视迹簿v1.70Relive软件v5.20.1光影魔术手iPhone版V1.3百度魔图手机版v4.0.2WeShot 球迷相机IOS版V1.2.0美图秀秀appv9.6.50POCO相机iPhone版V3.2.8美图GIFV1.3.0美颜相机appv11.5.70百度魔拍v1.7.1

换一换相关推荐谷歌相册appv6.44VSCO cam中文版v330.0.0美颜相机appv11.5.70最美证件照v4.6.23Nice appv5.9.21美拍appv9.3.200彩视appv6.28.3足记appv5.4.5激萌appv6.6.0美图秀秀appv9.6.50微商水印相机appv5.3.51黄油相机Appv8.17.1天天P图appv6.5.4百度魔图手机版v4.0.2简拼appv3.2.0美妆相机appv5.2.1拍大师appv2.2.3Faceu appv3.6.1潮自拍appv3.2.6逗拍appv5.0.0玩图appV7.0.4魔法相框appv11.1Prisma appV3.5POCO相机iPhone版V3.2.8SNOW自拍人脸识别软件v2.8.0搜狐千里眼appv1.0.0百度图片appV2.6.2






等级:类型:iPhone摄影录像更新:2023/07/20 22:01大小:81M版本:v5.13语言:简体官网:暂无作者:NET Sigma Tecnologia Ltda - MEApple Watch:


















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  仿佛瞬间穿越回80年代 看着粗糙且跳帧的录像

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  特别的 Lo-Fi 低保真效果








v5.13? New style: Circuit

? Fixed a bug that caused the mask effect to behave unexpectedly on iPads

? The direction of some effects now change according to the orientation of the camera

? Minor bugfixes

? UI Improvements

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v5.12? Minor bugfixes

? UI Improvements

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v5.11? Fixed a critical bug that would cause some elements of the interface to be off-screen on iPads

? UI Improvements

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v5.1? Bug fixes

? UI Improvements

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v5.0This update brings new presets and filters! Have fun :)

? 4 new presets: Liminal Space, Tesseract, Infinity, Nightfall

? 5 new filters: Utopia, Memory, Amethyst, Midnight, Fluorescence

? Bug fixes

? UI Improvements

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.81? 3 new fonts

? The text will now be on the center of the screen while being edited. This prevents cases where it could be covered by the interface.

? Color picker for the text tool has been improved

? Minor bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.8? UI Improvements

? Minor bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.7? UI Improvements

? Bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.6? When importing media into the app, the edited version will be loaded if available. This refers to edits made to the media within the Photos App

? UI Improvements

? Minor bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.5.1This is a major update that includes many new features and improvements :)

? New Style: Overload

? Change the playback speed when working with imported videos (the global effect speed has been renamed to Effect Speed to avoid confusion)

? Reorder effects on the layer stack by dragging and dropping them on the desired position (Advanced mode)

? Reorganize effects from the effect library (the ones listed under the magic wand icon), placing those you use the most on the first slots, for example

? You can also reorganize and/or delete your custom styles in a more efficient way (tap on the big plus icon and choose the option "Organize")

? Import several styles at once

? Fixed a critical bug that would prevent some users from exporting videos in 4K when using newer devices

? Fixed a problem that would cause the Slit Scan effect not to work properly on some intensity levels

? UI Improvements

? Minor bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.4? Optimized for iOS 16

? UI Improvements

? Bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.3? Fixed a bug that caused the app to freeze when exporting videos on some devices

? UI Improvements

? Minor Bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.2? New preset: Electron

? New effect: Grid

? New variants have been added to the following effects: Slit Scan (No. 7, No. 8), Ripple (No. 10), Split (No. 7, No.8 & No. 9), Symmetry (No. 7)

? Slit scan effect has been improved and now it's possible to add it to imported photos as well. Keep in mind that this effect needs movement to work properly

? Max export duration of animated pictures was increased to 5 minutes

? Max bitrate was increased to 200Mbps

? The app will now show a warning if there is not enough space to save the video

? Fixed a bug that caused the mask tool not to work properly

? UI Improvements

? Bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.1We are happy to announce another major update!

? Control parameters over time (Advanced mode only): Tap on the small circle next to the parameter slider to choose how you would like it to change over time. It's possible to change the speed and the curve shape (sine, ramp, gaussian, etc.) of the animation. For example, you can set the intensity of an effect to oscillate between a range of values

? Choose the time range of each effect individually when working with imported videos (Advanced mode only): Tap on the clock icon next to the effect name to choose the time range in which the effect should be applied to

? Exported videos are now saved with the same frame rate of the original one (30, 60 FPS, etc.)

? Choose the desired frame rate (30, 60, 120 or 240 FPS) when exporting animated images

? GIF export tool has been fixed and improved: The frame duration parameter works accurately now

? New effect (Depth) is available for imported images that contain depth data (i.e.: photos taken in Portrait Mode). Alternatively, you can use a grayscale image as a depth map or let the app generate one, in case the imported image does not originally contain depth data. When working with imported videos, the app will always generate a depth map

? New variants have been added to the following effects: Ripple (No. 7, No. 8 & No. 9), Dissolve (No. 5 & No. 6), Slit Scan (No. 6)

? New color filter: X-Ray

? Use depth data as a mask by selecting the option "Import" then "Depth Map" when using the Mask tool

? Mask tool now supports grayscale: You can select different areas of the media with different intensities for a better control

? Slit scan effect has been improved

? Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause cache files to take too much storage space

? UI Improvements

? Bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v4.0This is a major update and we are glad to announce all these new exciting features! Have fun :)

? New presets: 1-bit, Perception, Old Tape

? New variant has been added to the Quantization effect (No. 5)

? New effect: Interference

? New overlays: Noise 1 & 2

? Export videos in 4K resolution when working on video or image mode Available on supported devices: iPhone XS and newer, iPad 8th Gen and newer

? Apply effects to a selected segment of the imported video when exporting, choose to save only the edited segment or the full video containing the edited segment

? Choose the video format in which you want to save your compositions: H.264, HEVC or Motion JPEG (MJPEG)

? Ability to keep or mute the audio when saving the file (if the imported media is a video)

? Export up to 30 frames of a video segment as a GIF

? GIFs are now imported as videos instead of static images

? Max bitrate was increased to 100 Mbit/s

? Quantization effect No. 3 was adjusted to be consistent with other filters in the category (higher level value now means less pixelated)

? 8-bit preset was slightly modified

? Optimized for iOS 15

? UI Improvements

? Fixed a problem that would occasionally prevent users from exporting videos

? Fixed a bug in which the global speed would not be saved in a preset

? Other bug fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)
v3.0? UI Improvements
? Critical Bug Fixes

If you enjoy using our app, please consider leaving a review in the App Store :)

  - 修复已知问题,优化性能~

  - 上新暗黑恶魔主题贴纸&模板

  - 已知问题修复










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同类热门美颜相机appv11.5.70Nice appv5.9.21美拍appv9.3.200彩视appv6.28.3足记appv5.4.5激萌appv6.6.0美图秀秀appv9.6.50



蒸汽波视频 v2.5