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换一换相关推荐掌上穿越火线手游版v3.15.1手机百度appv13.29.1QQ浏览器手机版v13.7.1UC浏览器手机版v15.3.5.2025OneDrive iPhone版v14.2.3百度手机卫士v4.9.37腾讯微云手机版v6.9.85搜狗输入法手机版v11.17.1掌上道聚城appv4.6.6WinZip iPhone版v7.9百度输入法手机版v11.6.8搜狗浏览器手机版v13.6.5联通appv10.2中国移动手机营业厅Appv8.4.0掌上看家采集端手机版v5.1.3中国搜索appv5.3.1189邮箱appv8.4.1电信掌上营业厅appv10.1.0掌上英雄联盟appv9.5.0腾讯手机管家v16.1.6QQ安全中心手机版v6.9.40谷歌浏览器appv104.0.5112.99wifi万能钥匙v6.12.2QQ同步助手appv8.0.7百度浏览器手机版v5.21.1PP助手手机版V3.7.7快用苹果助手iPhone版v4.0.1.5






等级:类型:iPhone工具软件更新:2023/03/17 01:04大小:97.9M版本:v6.13.22语言:简体官网:暂无作者:ABBYY USA Software House IncApple Watch:



为您推荐:iPhone工具软件 工具 实用




•基于ABBYY RTR SDK技术的数字化印刷文本直接进入相机的屏幕,不拍照创新的实时识别模式。









v6.13.22In this release, we adopt the app for iOS 16 and updated libraries. Also, we fixed a few bugs and improved stability.

The most important in previous releases:
+ Improved VoiceOver. With this feature, you can have a phone screen read, including buttons, icons, links, and other interface elements, and use gestures to navigate and select their options.
To enable it, go to the Accessibility tab and choose VoiceOver.

If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.
v6.13.21Stability update for the smooth performance of the app.
The most important in previous releases:
+ Improved VoiceOver. With this feature, you can have a phone screen read, including buttons, icons, links, and other interface elements, and use gestures to navigate and select their options.
To enable it, go to the Accessibility tab and choose VoiceOver.
If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.
v6.13.20Stability update for the smooth performance of the app.
The most important in previous releases:
+ Improved VoiceOver. With this feature, you can have a phone screen read, including buttons, icons, links, and other interface elements, and use gestures to navigate and select their options.
To enable it, go to the Accessibility tab and choose VoiceOver.
If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.
v6.13.19Stability update for the smooth performance of the app.
The most important in previous releases:
+ Improved VoiceOver. With this feature, you can have a phone screen read, including buttons, icons, links, and other interface elements, and use gestures to navigate and select their options.
To enable it, go to the Accessibility tab and choose VoiceOver.
If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.
v6.13.18+ TextGrabber is ready for iOS 15 – working stably and smoothly.
+ Bug fixes and stability improvements.

The most important in previous releases:
+ The minimum supported iOS version is 13.
If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.
v6.13.17+ TextGrabber is ready for iOS 15 – working stably and smoothly.
+ Bug fixes and stability improvements.

The most important in previous releases:
+ The minimum supported iOS version is 13.
If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.
v6.13.16+ TextGrabber is ready for iOS 15 – working stably and smoothly.
+ Bug fixes and stability improvements.

The most important in previous releases:
+ The minimum supported iOS version is 13.
If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.
v6.13.15+ TextGrabber is ready for iOS 15 – working stably and smoothly.

The most important in previous releases:
+ The minimum supported iOS version is 13.
+ Improved VoiceOver.
If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.

+ The minimum supported iOS version is 13.
The most important in previous releases:
+ Improved VoiceOver.
If you like TextGrabber, would you mind taking a moment to write a review on the App Store? We’d much appreciate it.








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文字识别工具-拍照翻译 v6.13.14