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时间:2004/11/7 3:01:00来源:本站整理作者:蓝点我要评论(0)

利用ASP + XML 架设在线考试系统



使用这个在线的考试系统,我们能处理任何类型在线测试。 尽管我们一般是用传统方式实现,读者非常希望将。

如果从总体上考虑。 所有问题都储存在服务器( 它可能在数据库里) 里面的的xml 文件里。 用户准备花费考试,然后用户测试的通体将通过微软的XML HTTP 组件传送到浏览器。 使用同一个XML HTTP 组件,每当用户请求一个问题的时候,那些问题内容被从服务器解释并且显示在页上。 对用户的任何问题,你所选择的答案会被储存在客户端。  

一次考试的持续时间是5 分钟。 没有回答不了,你可以使用NEXT回答下洋问题。 一旦用户启动考试,所有问题目录将来自服务器。 所给问题的Id 每请求到服务器以来在内目录在客户拿给并且给服务器派内储存。 服务器将返回问题内容,符合问题Id,从xml 文件。 当用户选择任何一个答案时,体制将在那些应答表里储存和在在客户边里的选择表里。 用户最后已经选择的正确的答案,应答表用来并不地检查。 选择表在那里是以便系统将自动选择用户已经选择了的选择 ( 例如用户点击以前的按钮) 考试将结束或者用户点击终结按钮或者首先来,时间( 例如5 分钟) 结束。 关于终结,系统将计算并不右边答案的并且展示它。 那些以下的文件被在在线的考试系统里使用:


OnLine Exam

Relax...! The duration of this exam is 5 minutes.

There is no order to answer a question. You may use Next as

well as Previous button to get a question to answer.




Response.expires = 0

'create an instance of MS XMLDOM Object

'and load the QBank.xml file where all the questions are.

set obj = server.createobject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")

obj.async = false


'very first request from the client

if trim(request("Action")) = "Start" then

  'set no of questions per exam

  Dim NoQ,TotalQ


  NoQ = 5 'set no less than the totalquestions


  'count no of questions in the xml file

  '( or from database)

  TotalQ = obj.selectNodes("data/question").length

  Dim aQuest(),temp,isExist, strQ

  ReDim aQuest(0) 'to store the question ids


  'generate (=NoQ) question ids randomly

  while ubound(aQuest) < NoQ

    isExist = false

    temp = Int((TotalQ * Rnd) + 1)

    for i = 1 to ubound(aQuest)

      if aQuest(i) = temp then

        isExist = true

        exit for

      end if


    if Not isExist then

      Redim Preserve aQuest(ubound(aQuest)+1)

      aQuest(ubound(aQuest)) = temp

      strQ = aQuest(i) & "," & strQ

    end if



  'remove the last comma ',' from strQ

  strQ = left(strQ,len(strQ)-1)


  'send the question in the strQ to the client

  response.write strQ


'all further requests - after the first request

elseif trim(request("Action")) = "NextQ" then

  'fetch the question from the XML Object

  'and form the output string

  temp = "data/question[@id=" & trim(request("QNo")) & "]"

  set Node = obj.selectSingleNode(temp)

  strXML = ""

  strXML = strXML & ""

  strXML = strXML & Node.selectSingleNode("qtext").text

  strXML = strXML & "

  strXML = strXML & ""

  strXML = strXML & Node.selectSingleNode("answer").text

  strXML = strXML & "

  set Node = Node.selectNodes("choices/choice")

  for i = 0 to Node.length-1

    strXML = strXML & ""

    strXML = strXML & Node.item(i).text

    strXML = strXML & "


  strXML = strXML & "

  'send the output to the client

  Response.Write (strXML)

end if




    What does KB stand for?


      Kilo Bits

      Key Board

      Kilo Bytes






    CPU stands for


      Central Processing Unit

      Central Power Unit

      Core Processing Unit

      Core Power Unit





    1 KB equals


      1000 Bytes

      1024 Bytes

      1000 Bits

      1024 Bits






    RAM is


      Random Access Modifier

      Primary Memory

      Secondary Memory

      Read And Modify





    Hard Disk is


      Hard to break

      Primary Memory Storage

      Temporary Memory Storage

      Secondary Memory Storage





    Computer Monitor is used


      To monitor activities

      To control Computer

      As display unit






    XML stands for


      Extended Markup Language

      Extended Model Language

      Extensible Markup Language

      Extensible Model Language





    ASP stands for


      Active Server Page

      Application Service Provision

      As Soon as Possible





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