您的位置:首页网页设计ASP实例 → 简单的文件目录浏览源程序


时间:2009/12/16 10:38:00来源:本站整理作者:我要评论(0)


    ' Name: File / Directory Viewer
    ' Description:This Will Display All The
    '     Files, File Size and file date of every
    '     file in the directory you specify.
    To make this work, paste the code into your favorite html editor, save it and Then view it.
    ' By: Thomas Michael
    ' Inputs:None
    ' Returns:None
    'Assumes:File System Object Be Needed :)
    '     and it is setup to look for you my docum
    '     ents folder at "c:\mydocu~1" but you can
    '     change the line of code to look in any d
    '     irectory.
    'Side Effects:None
    'code provided by Planet Source Code(tm)
    '     (http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com) 'as
    '     is', without warranties as to performanc
    '     e, fitness, merchantability,and any othe
    '     r warranty (whether expressed or implied
    '     ).
    'Terms of Agreement:
    'By using this source code, you agree to
    '     the following terms...
    ' 1) You may use this source code in per
    '     sonal projects and may compile it into a
    '     n .exe/.dll/.ocx and distribute it in bi
    '     nary format freely and with no charge.
    ' 2) You MAY NOT redistribute this sourc
    '     e code (for example to a web site) witho
    '     ut written permission from the original
    '     author.Failure to do so is a violation o
    '     f copyright laws.
    ' 3) You may link to this code from anot
    '     her website, provided it is not wrapped
    '     in a frame.
    ' 4) The author of this code may have re
    '     tained certain additional copyright righ
    '     ts.If so, this is indicated in the autho
    '     r's description.
    <% Option Explicit %>
    <HEAD> <TITLE>File Viewer</TITLE> </HEAD>
    <TABLE width="100%" border=1 bordercolor="#000000" align="left" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
    <TR align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000">
     <TD width="65%"><FONT color="#FFFFFF"><B><FONT size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-
    <TD width="10%"><FONT color="#FFFFFF"><B><FONT size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-
    <TD width="25%"><FONT color="#FFFFFF"><B><FONT size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-
     'File System Object
     Dim objFSO
     'File Object
     Dim objFile
     'Folder Object
     Dim objFolder
     'String To Store The Real Path
     Dim sMapPath
     'Create File System Object To Get list of files
     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     'Get The path For the web page and its dir.
     'change this setting To view different directories
     sMapPath = "C:\Mydocu~1"
     'Set the object folder To the mapped path
     Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(sMapPath)
     'For Each file In the folder
     For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
     <TR align="left" valign="top" bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
     <TD> <FONT size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000000"><A href="<% =
sMapPath & "/" & objFile.Name %>">
     'write the files name
     Response.Write objFile.Name
     <FONT size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000000">
     'We will format the file size so it looks pretty
     If objFile.Size <1024 Then
     Response.Write objFile.Size & " Bytes"
     ElseIf objFile.Size < 1048576 Then
     Response.Write Round(objFile.Size / 1024.1) & " KB"
     Response.Write Round((objFile.Size/1024)/1024.1) & " MB"
     End If
     <FONT size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000000">
     <% 'the files Date
     Response.Write objFile.DateLastModified


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